"Fields Of Gold" is a beautiful song by Sting with amazing video about time passing by.
video brings to my mind trip to Paris in 1994. It was
years before Google and Wikipedia. We had McDonald's Paris free map and
lots of
places to see. We took metro and stepped off at the station "Bastille".
asked people about Bastille (fortress and the state prison where in
1789 the French Revolution began) as we would like to visit it. We got answers: "It was here, ruined
long time ago".
Well, I knew it was destroyed but I was sure it was preserved in some shape.
man informed us about some remains of Bastille located close to the metro
station but as he said 'just few stones not worth walking to see them'.
Another man interfered saying firmly: "Bastille was actually right here.
Pieces of its fundations are still to be seen overthere but ... it was
exactly here".
Similar situation with the biggest place of Paris, The
Place de la Concorde, where during revolution stood guillotine and in
only one month over 1300 people were guillotined/beheaded (i.a. king Louis XVI and queen
Marie Antoinette). Nowadays thousands of people are walking there everyday
without thinking what happened exactly in this place 200 years ago.
Exactly like in the video: same place but in a different time ... Click here to see the video.
The photos below were taken by Christopher Moloney. He takes photos of the actual locations of famous movie scenes. These two pictures are my favourite ones:
sources: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2012/11/christopher-moloney-filmography-new-york#/slide=1 http://www.visualnews.com/tag/christopher-moloney/